Thursday, November 26, 2009

Operation Christmas Child @ Weldon Baptist Church 3

This week I had the privilege of going to Atlanta to help with Operation Christmas Child. This is where people from all around take a shoebox and wraps it in Christmas wrapping and fills it with small gifts. The boxes are then taken to collection points then shipped to different distribution points in the US for final inspection, taping and loaded into larger boxes depending on the gender and age of the child this box was packed for. As I was taping so many boxes, I thought, "The Love of so many is flowing through my hands to needy children around the world, who have probably nothing" As I watched my wife and kids and niece and nephew and friends and family work so tirelessly all day, just how blessed I truly was. And you would expect the hard work from adults, but I was really impressed with my 13 Y.O. daughter and my 13 Y.O. nephew, who have been waiting for years to go, since they had to be 13, work so diligently and tirelessly without complaining. She even cracked the whip on me a couple of times. Even with the bad in this world, there is good, and there is hope. My family and friends worked so hard because they understood the need for the love of Christ that other people need. Thanks to all who do acts of kindness to others.


  1. It's always good to see God's love shining in a dark world. On Monday, I dropped a bag of baby food all over the Target sidewalk. A young boy, about 8 or 9, ran over and quickly began helping me put it back in the bag. It was such a nice gesture and really lifted my spirit. Praise God for young people.

  2. It's amazing what young people will do when given the opportunity. I think we should see that they have more.



About Me

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Born again at 40 in 2001, though I practiced Christianity since I was 13.