Saturday, December 18, 2010

The Value of a Life, Butch Bays

The Value of a Life, Butch Bays

Well what can I say? An Icon in our community, Butch Bays, as well as our parish was murdered the other day. We are all left trying to make sense of his murder. It brings up memories of the senseless murder of my niece a few years ago. It definately shows a lack of respect for life. God gave us life and He is the only one that has the right to take it. Some in our society don't think life should be protected unless it is theirs. I truly wander how much the teaching of evolution has to do with it. After all in evolution importance of life comes from the individual or other individuals. It is determined by what you can do for me. In Christianity the value of a life comes from God. The value of something is determined by how much someone wants to pay for it. Jesus paid for us with His own life. If Jesus is God and God is infinite then how much are we really worth. Somehow we need to get back to teaching our children the  value of life and who places value on life. We need to teach them to protect life. We need to teach them that life has infinite value to God from conception to the oldest person alive. If Butch Bays had been incapacitated for His whole life and was dependent on others, he would have been infinitely valuable to God. We should see everyones life the way God does. And to the dismay of some, the killers life has the same value as the person they killed.

1 comment:

  1. Darrell, one of the things I struggle with most as a Christian is having to remind myself that all life is of equal value to Christ.

    My anger flares when I see a child molester, a rapist, a murderer, a terrorist, or other people filled with the demonic that unleash it on the innocent. I want them to die a cruel, painful death. My flesh wants that. But, I know that my sin is just as repulsive to God...and that Christ placed HIS value on even them as he hung on the cross.

    It is a struggle for me, which I freely, and openly admit. I did not know of Butch Bays, nor your niece. But, I've known others who were senselessly murdered...and my flesh truly must be dealt with.

    Not just murderers, either...those that inflict emotional pain on others (such as my daughter-in-law has to my son) are tests for me. To love, yet come to conclude that I can't have them in my life and remain sane...

    I'm praying it through...



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Born again at 40 in 2001, though I practiced Christianity since I was 13.