Saturday, February 6, 2010

Desiring More Than A Touch

Desiring More Than A Touch

Matthew 14:36 And besought him that they might only touch the hem of his garment: and as many as touched were made perfectly whole.

1. They besought Him. They had seen and heard of His miracles and wanted their needs met.
2. They only wanted to touch the hem of His garment.
3. Jesus graciously made them perfectly whole.
4. All this was done because of a simple act of faith.
5. If through this simple act of faith they were made perfectly whole, what could be done by Jesus with a totally surrendered Christian who is abiding, not just touching the hem of His garment, in Christ and is totally surrendered to Him?
6. Are we content to only touch the hem of His garment? Or do we want a deeper relationship with Him? A relationship that will mightily impact those around us?
7. If we don't want that kind of relationship, why not? Are we truly saved? Then we need to take care of that. Are we afraid of what Jesus will reveal in us that needs to change or we need to turn loose of? Behind every change or thing He tells us to turn loose of , there is a greater blessing. Has the world blinded us as to what God can do so we can't accomplish more for God and see others saved? Are we afraid of surrender? We are already surrendered to the world that hates us and wants to destroy us. Jesus came that we might have abundant life.
8. We have nothing to lose by totally surrendering to and abiding in Jesus and we have everything to gain.
Prayer: Jesus I surrender totally to you. Take my life, clean out the closet of my heart and make me useful to you.

Darrell Strahan

1 comment:

  1. I enjoyed looking over your blog
    God bless you



About Me

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Born again at 40 in 2001, though I practiced Christianity since I was 13.