Wednesday, September 16, 2009

A Great Awakening in Cotton Valley

I decided to post this email from my friend and previous pastor Lavelle about the great awakening occuring in Cotton Valley.

Well, praise the Lord!!! I wanted to send out this email to brag on my Jesus for a few minutes and give all of you a report on how our revival is going at Unity Baptist Church in Cotton Valley. The Lisembys have been doing a wonderful job of singing for us each and every service (I highly recommend them) and Bro. Jack Daniels has, as usual, been preaching the Word of God or as we say it in the south, Jack has been "shucking the corn" all of the way to the cob. We have had four services since Sunday morning and the Lord has shown up in each and every service. Since Sunday morning we have had 18 souls saved by accepting Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior during the services. We have also had several rededications and several more join Unity Baptist Church by way of letter and 1 by way of statement. The Lord has truly been awesome!!!!!! Plus, Tuesday morning while Jack and I were at Cotton Valley High School 5 more souls were snatched out of the fires of hell when 5 teenagers accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Lord and Savior after Jack gave his testimony there. Hallaleujah!!!!!!!!!As of Tuesday night we had baptized 10 of those who have given their hearts and lives to Christ and we will baptize 6 more Wednesday night. Praise the Lord!!!!!!!!! For He is worthy to be praised!!!!!!!!!The revival was scheduled to go through Wednesday night, but the Lisembys, Jack, and I feel led to carry it over until Thursday night. I will try to send out another report after Thursday night. It is truly amazing what God is doing in the little town of Cotton Valley. I love Him so much for allowing me to be one of His children and yet, I am so unworthy of His love for me. I was reminded during our song service, Wednesday night, of three things. (1) We have a home in glory that Jesus is preparing for His children even as I type this. A home that we don't deserve, by the way. (2) Jesus paid the ultimate price, a price that we cannot conceive, for our souls so that we could live in the "New Jerusalem." And (3) Until Jesus comes to get us their are still souls that we are supposed to lead to Him. Therefore pray, pray, pray for lost people and go, go, go and tell them about Jesus. A slave to the Master, Lavelle Spillers.

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Born again at 40 in 2001, though I practiced Christianity since I was 13.