Thursday, July 30, 2009

Why do you go to church?

Sometimes when you do a search for a word, you never know what gem you will come up with. I ran across Christine's website. and she had posted a question, "Why do you go to church?" So I thought it was a very good question and I thought I would post my answer to that.

Well, I have been going every Sunday for almost 50 years. I have gone for many reasons. To meet others, draw off what encouragement they can give, Because I had to, because of habit, because I was expected to be there, so I wouldn’t get a visit during the week from the preacher or others, to get something from the sermon. but over the last couple of years I have found a new reason and that is to worship God. All those other reasons are temporal and changing. God is the only constant in this universe and He is never changing. I find when I go to church for the purpose of worshiping God and that is my focus, I come away having been blessed. I hear people walk away from church saying, “I didn’t get anything out of that message.” They went in the wrong attitude of getting instead of giving. I find that when I give to God (Not necessarily in money) I get from God. Or they were disappointed that there friend wasn’t there or someone didn’t encourage them the way they ought to be encouraged. People are changing and God is not. Our reason for going to church is important.

Why do you go to church?


  1. Humm..... My reason for going to church varies I suppose. I go to socialize and to hear the sermon. I feel like the sermon at my church is more like a teaching. And yes I go to worship, but I can worship anywhere, at any time. *smile* Darrell? Don't you think our lives can be a form of worship? I do. So.... for me going to church to worship is good but not the only reason I go. I love my church family. I'm as close or closer to some of them than I am my own flesh and blood. :o) And we must remember to Worship GOD in everything we do. :o) Take care and Happy Writing! ~Susie

  2. Susie, thanks for your great comments. I agree with you that our lives are a form of worship. God Bless



About Me

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Born again at 40 in 2001, though I practiced Christianity since I was 13.