Friday, July 31, 2009

What is Your Mission Statement?

I was asked a question a few years ago by a pastor, "What should the mission statement of our church be?" I couldn't really give an answer then. I have had afew years to grow as a Christian and if asked today I would have to say, "To seek and save the lost." This is only a rewording of the great commission and was Jesus' mission statement. I know this statement on first glance seems to leave out all our social activities and chartitable activities, however these activities should come as a result of or in support of this mission statement. If we do not do this and are only a social club that tries to make peoples lives better and not save them, then we have done them a terrible disservice because now they live a good life here on earth and eternity in Hell. And we are partly to blame for this. I would rather live 100 terrible years here on earth and eternity in heaven than 100 good years on earth and eternity in Hell. Are you truly saved? Are you 100% certain of your salvation can you point to a time where you asked God to save you? If not and you want to talk or have more information let me know. Christian, what is your mission statemen


  1. I found your blog by accident. Thanks for the good thoughts. I saw in your profile that you live in Lavon; my family is in Nevada, just around the corner, and I pastor Lighthouse Baptist Church down in Wylie. God bless and Merry Christmas.

  2. Dr. Raz, thanks for the kind words. And thanks for visiting my site. My goal is to encourage others in the Faith and lead others to Christ. I don't know how you got Lavon out of my profile, I will go back and check it out to make sure it is accurate. We are located in north central Louisiana. May God Bless you, your family and your church this year. You are always welcome to come back.



About Me

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Born again at 40 in 2001, though I practiced Christianity since I was 13.